Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, so protecting you and your family from this odorless, radioactive gas is essential. The team at Reckner Certified Home Inspections is licensed by the State of Ohio as radon testers and we are also certified by the National Radon Safety Board.
Unfortunately for us, Northeast Ohio sits atop a very active Radon field, and on average most homes in the area have some levels of Radon. There is no way to guess which house will have elevated radon levels, you can have two houses on the same street and one will have high levels, and the other below normal. That's why testing is so important.
Radon testing can be added to your home inspection easily with accurate results quickly. From there we will gladly review the test findings with you, educate you on their meaning and recommend a course of action for remediation if necessary.
The links below will give you an opportunity to read about this silent killer for yourself. If for any reason you or any member of your family thinks radon testing isn't necessary or is a waste of money, please, please, take the time to educate yourself by clicking the links below about something that can be very harmful to you and your family.
The cost of a Radon Inspection is $175 added to the inspection fee.
Why so much?
First off this isn't high, this is a very fair price if you do any shopping around. Secondly these monitors cost over $1,200.00 a piece. Also we have to carry special insurance, take special classes, registering, licensing, and yearly calibration with the State of Ohio, all of which require a yearly investment on my part and needs to be taken into consideration.
The only requirements is that the property be completely closed up (no matter what time of the year) for a minimum of 12 hours before and during the full duration of the test. Also that no fans or air circulation devices be used during the testing cycle.
A minimum of 48 hours is required by the State of Ohio, this is unless the test is ruined or interrupted do to seller interference or tampering by someone or something.
The EPA requires we suggest mitigation system be installed if the test results in a reading of 4.0 piC/L or above. piC/L is the standard unit of measurement used by the State of Ohio to determine if a mitigation (removal system) is needed never worry about the unit of measure just if the number is 4 or above or 3.9 or below.
Are we safe if the numbers aren't 4.0 (or higher)?
Here is what I tell people. The average reading outside in the open air is normally 0.4 piC/L , the average home in America even in low danger areas usually has a reading of around 1.3 piC/L. a MITIGATION system installed in a home can on average reduce the radon number from a significant result number to one below 1 piC/L. I like to ask people in these situations of reading from 1.3 piC/L to 3.9 piC/L, if something in your home has to be radioactive and dangerous to your health wouldn't you prefer it be at the lowest possible dosage it can be?
It is a scientific fact that being exposed to low levels of radon for longer periods of time is more dangerous than high levels for short periods of time.
This is up to my discretion. It is a question of who is at fault.
If it is determined the tampering was incidental then I will retest at no charge. Otherwise the machine is outfitted with many different tampering indicators to ensure a clean fair test.
If it is determined that a seller has interfered with this test in any way shape or form, then the test will be billed in full and REBILLED again at full charge to whomever ordered the initial test.
This is not a negotiation; the State of Ohio will require another test and appropriate parties will be billed accordingly.
YES I Do and you are welcome to come see it for yourself anytime. Our home was tested (not by me) but a different home inspector when we purchased our home in 2011. Our levels were found to be at a very high dangerous levels (22) and we had the mitigation system installed immediately.
Buying a rental or investment property? A Multi-Unit Inspection is similar to a regular home inspection, but covers properties with 2-4 units.
“You have pests." Three little words no homeowner ever wants to hear. WDI inspections aren't something you only need completed when purchasing a new home.
Whether you have visual confirmation of mold or not, our state of the art testing will detect any presence of mold in your home.